Always Come Back

There's always something to do in your own backyard, grab a Glass of Rose. I'll be here


Seriously, one ingredient ice cream in minutes!

Oh yes I said it.  I just made ice cream in minutes, with just a small food processor.  And it is healthy!

Do you have Bananas?  Frozen Bananas?  Well then you can have creamy ice cream in minutes.

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I was so excited about this treat it has brought be back to my blog after a super long absence.  I haD barely finished inhaling this treat and jumped on my computer to share it.  I had seen “one ingredient ice cream” on Pinterest a few times so thought I’d try my luck.

The elevator pitch to make banana ice cream is this:  Take a frozen banana per person, peal them, cut them into coins, drop into a small food processor and pulse away until smooth and creamy.  You can eat it right away- kinda like soft malt ice cream or freeze it and have a colder, harder ice cream.  HOW FLIPPING EASY!

We added a teaspoon of Trader Joe’s Cookie and Cocoa Swirl once the bananas had become creamy and smooth.

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As I was jumping up and down in the kitchen i decided to add a few coconut flakes and a bit of chocolate sauce to garnish.  As you can see I couldn’t wait long enough to make it a perfect shot – I had to eat it!

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2 bananas


Peel frozen Bananas and cut into coins

Pulse them in a small food processor

Scrape the bananas down every minute with a spatula, continue pulsing.

It will go from frozen chunks, to a bit like gooey oatmeal then all of a sudden it will smooth out and become creamy – soft server ice cream style

Add any extras at this point, pulse to blend them in  and to aerate the banana ice cream a bit more.

Eat or Freeze in an air tight container to eat the next day for a more solid style ice cream.


Yep Thats it.  Now you can get creative and add other yummy things…. like a few almonds, or peanut butter, or honey, or maple syrup, or Nutella, or maybe Kahlua (ohhhh that’s my next one).  Wonder what a bit of ginger or cinnamon or cocoa, butterscotch chips… toss in anywhere from one teaspoon to a couple tablespoons depending on how your tastebuds.

I can’t wait to make this for my daughter tomorrow night.  Beats a donut any night.