Always Come Back

There's always something to do in your own backyard, grab a Glass of Rose. I'll be here


First Full French Sentence

Last night was monumental! Well to me it was.  Leaving White Spot, out of the blue Little A said to me “I can speak a French Sentence Mommy.”

I was so excited to hear this from her, we placed her into a French Preschool in July.  Reports from her caregiver say that Little A’s comprehension is there and they they no longer speak any English to her.  I find this amazing, awesome and I’m  a little envious too.

We practice words and my hubby and I speak some basic french around the house so hearing a full sentence from Little A sets me into happy giggles.

She said ” Little A mange beaucoup beaucoup de soupe avec sa couillere.”

GUSH  adorable.  She then translated it as well “Little A east lots and lots of soup with her spoon.”

I think I’d better buy this cute journal :  My Quotable Kid Journal   She says so many interesting things it would be great to keep a log of them. And soon there will be two languages of awesome to track.

Little A